
Archive for the ‘bimbo’ Category

I am a man

I wore this underneath my white dress to work yesterday…


Finally I have the courage to experiment something different wtf. And I have to say it made a big difference on my whole outfit. Loveeeeeeeeeee it. Kinda reminds me of Jenny in Gossip Girl. And she’s only 14. Or 15. Not like it makes any difference but she looks so mature. Something I wouldn’t like being. Maybe that explains why I am so retarded.

Been listening to Fly fm a lot lately and there are so many people texting in to come clean bout their dirty little secrets and I would love to spill mine….I was a man.

Me: B! Come touch this!!!!!
Chinaman: *touches throat* WTF?!!!!! Am I dating a tranny?

Wtf la Chinaman. I really don’t hope so but it’s weird because I have this small bulge on my throat and I swear it feels like an Adam’s apple and it’s bigger than Chinaman’s. Hahahhahahahaha. Shit I feel like a man. All I need to do now is to talk and act like one. *clears throat* 

If I were a boy……….lalala. Speaking of which I really love Beyonce’s If I were a boy because everything bout the song is so true. I don’t think it’ll even last me a day being a boy. I think I’ll turn gay very quickly.

Random but…I want maroon leggings 🙂 Work tomorrow 😦 BC fair was exhausting but worth it if the number of students recruited this year goes up. Hehehe. *fingers crossed*

Okay sleep.

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Why am I so stupid?

Today, I punched myself in the eye. Hahahhahahaha! I was talking to Chinaman while pulling and tugging on the pillows and his fat ass body was all over the pillows so I had to pull harder to get the pillow. Guess what? The pillow slipped outta my hand and wham! My fist landed on my left eye. Babi sial. Keganasan domestic! even though it’s self-inflicted. Bodoh maximum.

As a result, I had a slightly swollen eye with lotsa red veins. Damn pain okay!

The left eye.

The right eye. Yeah la. It’s red, swollen and veiny too cuz I punched it to make it equal wtf. No la stupid. It’s like this due to lack of sleep and dryness.

Conclusionnyer, punch or no punch no difference. They always end up looking punched anyway. And if you notice, I don’t have lower lash. Got la but it’s like bulu kaki Chinaman. SO LITTLE AND THIN! AND SHORT! AND…..don’t know. It just looks botak to me compared to the top lashes.

Whatever la. Asian what. Sikit bulu kan? Nanti macam Cecilia Cheung or Gillian Chung mati habis wtf. God knows if having nice lashes and hair on the head need sacrfice from the other area…..such as underarms. hohoho!


Another major bimbo moment from yours truly, the balding woman wtf.

xoxo, you know you love me =)

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First and last

Ahhhh the agony. Waited for 5 freakin hours! And the dress didn’t turn out as good as I wanted it to be. Eh I gave her a very good design okay and it looks like crap now. I wanted deep blue green but they don’t have this colour so I had to opt for something else. My design is very simple only what. Why they can’t even get like 50% close to the original design? And she dared to put the slit at the wrong side omgwtf *dies* And she went “the slit can be at any side”. BUT I WANTED IT TO BE ON THE RIGHT CUZ I ONLY CROSS MY RIGHT LEG WHEN I SIT DOWN. NOW I HAVE TO CROSS MY LEFT LEG WHICH I DON’T LIKE TO CUZ I AM ANAL LIKE THIS WTF. Fine….don’t even get me started on the band. It’s 1.5 inches thick. Eh cock meh. Need so thick for what? It doesn’t look elegant now! Like some cheap pasar malam evening dress wtf. I hate you for wasting my moolah! Hmmmph.. And then..THE BUST AREA. Why la why they have to stitch there? It looks so ugly with those stitches. Pffft.

HOHOHO. What if suddenly the stitches come off when I sit down on that very day. Hohohoho!! B 😦 So disappointed. You must say I look gorgeous on Friday k? What the…

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